
Our partners from Ukrainisches Zentrum Salzburg (UZS)

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In these war times, charity requires coordinated effort and synergy. By working together and establishing partnerships, we can fulfill big projects that make a real difference in people’s lives.
We are grateful to / Український Центр Зальцбург and Церква Св. Марка for their amazing work and all the joint missions we’ve completed together. Our latest joint project involved the delivery of a powerful generator, generously donated by Stadt Salzburg and Ukrainisches Zentrum Salzburg, to paramedics operating in the Bakhmut direction.
It’s important for charity foundations and initiatives to build effective cooperation because we all share the same goal of supporting Ukrainians and helping to win this war. By working side by side, we bring Ukraine closer to victory. Let’s maintain our collaborative efforts and make progress toward our shared goal.
Thank you to our partners and friends from Salzburg for their unwavering support and collaboration.
#charity #salzburg #cooperation #dyakuYOU #standwithukraine #helpukraine #humanitarianaid