Vivisol Österreich GmbH helps YOUkraine

In cooperation with Vivisol Österreich GmbH, YOUkraine team was able to deliver 100 oxygen concentrators to different hospitals in Ukraine over the last several months.
These concentrators, generously donated by ViviSOL, will ensure access to oxygen for patients who need long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT), i.e., patients with acute (pneumonia, traumatic lesions) and chronic (COPD, fibrosis) lung diseases, lung lesions during and after COVID-19 and enable the creation of an oxygen point in the medical institution or outpatient clinic where it is not necessary or possible to supply oxygen centrally.
We are very grateful to ViviSOl Österreich for their support and especially to Dr. Ivan Fedak for his amazing work in the coordination process.
Making a difference together!

#dyakuYOU #medicalaid #humanitarianaid #standwithukraine #helpukraine